Foro 4.0

"Everything you want is on the other side of letting go. You don't hold on because you like to hurt, you hold on because you need certainty. Because pain is familiar. But on the other side of that story that haunts you, are your dreams..."    

"Easy Living"

"Sarito is a river flowing towards the ocean. Expecting the unexpected, I have everything I need to live well and take care of myself. I am open, spontaneous, trusting, free, creative, and light, loving and in tune with the whole, I am good enough, and there are now problems now. So breathe, let,s go and see the joke. Keep it simple." 

She Let Go

“She let go of all the memories that held her back.  She let go of all the anxiety that kept her moving forward  She let go of all the planning and all the calculations about how to do it just right.”  

Know Yourself

Maybe our destiny does not prescribe a destination but rather a course pushing us to be who we are and be true to ourselves. If you can find a way to be yourself in the middle of life’s turbulence, hold your head high. Many are struggling not because of their perceived failure of success, but rather their lack of identity.

Unpack Your Memories

“You’re so hard on yourself.  Take a moment.  Sit back.   Marvel at your life. At the grief that softened you, at heartache that wisened you,at the suffering that strengthened you.Despite everything, you still grow. Be proud Of this.” 

Off the Grid

On the 28th of September we flew into Guatemala City, where at the airport we were greeted by Peace Corps Guatemala staff. It was amazing, Carolyn Beale or training director, Adrianna, & Xoce welcomed us with a beautiful banner with all of our names on it as we stepped foot on the soil of the place we would soon call home.  

Bak’tun 8

I had never been to Houston, TX but I flew in and began my journey as I shared an Uber with Tanya and Ryan (both to my left in the photograph) to get checked into our hotel. Oh man, first impressions are always so nerve racking but right away I was impressed with these two ladies. It got even better when once we arrived and signed in for staging and met everyone. Bak’tun 8 is an extremely diverse group of individuals and I mean this in the sense from age, race, and class.

Day 1

"You are never going to be 100% ready and it's never going to be just the right time, but that's the point. It means that every moment is also the right moment. If you want it, you just have to do it."

One Last Mix Tape for 2016

In my popular culture class we once discussed how music is or can be the social glue that holds society together. After pondering this for a while, I've found this to be true. As I've spent time packing and reorganizing my items these last few months, I would frequently find old CD's and mixtapes and pop them in.