Teawan Gausi - Founder & Contributor

Teawan was born during the year of the snake and a North Carolina native, however often told she is a generator of west coast vibes. She has a wide variety of interests and exercises various roles in her personal and professional life. With a restless energy to write she founded Wandering Arts Collective in 2015. WAC, serves as an outlet to channel and foster her interest for creative writing.  Currently, her writing efforts include discoveries and reflections of short stories and mini book reviews.


LA Claud - Co - Founder 

LA Claud, currently based in Charlotte, was born in the Philippines and raised in Hawaii. His passion for prose started at an early age. In 2012 while pursuing his undergraduate degree at East Carolina University, he was inspired by shifts of consciousness to begin writing with intention and honoring his creative urges. In 2015 while completing his graduate education, LA Claud co-founded the Wandering Arts Collective as a digital haven and platform for all creative thinkers.

LA Claud draws from his experiences as a post-diaspora Pilipinx millennial through a lens of personal mythology and restorative justice. LA Claud considers Carl Jung and Lana Del Rey to be the primary influences of his work.

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