

This week is…

This week is…


10% of what we read
20% of what we hear
30% of what we see

50% percent of what we see and hear
70% of what we discuss

80% of what we experience
95% of what we teach others." 
-William Glasser

   Since teaching yoga this semester, I have learned that yoga is a very intimate experience, for the yogi's on their mat, the teacher, it is intimate to bystanders and people walking by. The second realization reached is my dire need for self expression and finding my voice.   There has been many times, in which I wanted to convey something occurring in my life right now. This blockage of self expression, or the ability of being able to find the right words at the right time has taken its toll on me.
   This is apart of the beauty of teaching. As I stand in front of my class and I say what week number it is. For example, if it is week 12 in the semester; I would begin saying "Welcome to week 12." As I examine the looks on their faces. For some it is not that big of deal, they see it as another day. Others have puzzling look on their face as they really? Or why is she is counting the weeks of the semester.

   I began to reflect as to why I do this and realized it comes from learning to speak from a place of intention. It dawned on me that fact that I am getting older and before yoga I was always rushing to the next moment, the next project, the next job, the next whatever. Now, here I am in the middle of my post-baccalaureate experience and still find myself from doing this sometimes. Completely swallowed into my work, I beginning to think how often I look up and appreciate the process of or the quality of the work I am doing. Even though it is tedious at times. I introduce the week because it is way to savor the year, the time, the season, the emotion associated with that time and to savor and cherish the present forces surrounding and influencing me at this exact moment in my life. 

Free Write

Free Write